Tuesday 3 June 2014

Fun and Easy Fruit Skewers!!! Perfect for a summer evening snack!

Hi Everyone!

I'm finally back after a bit of a hiatus! Just a little life update before I get into this easy and fun DIY project! I got married! As most of you know, over the past year I have been posting some wedding related DIY projects! This was because of my upcoming marriage. Now I can tell you that Jesse and I are officially married now! Yay!!! So if any of you were wondering why I haven't really posted a lot of stuff on here, it has been because the wedding planning and then actually getting married was my biggest priority. I'm back now, so hopefully, I will start posting projects a little more regularly than I have in the past!

Anyway, let's get started! Today's DIY is a food related one. I made these on Valentine's Day for my now-husband as our dessert after I cooked him dinner. They are fruit skewers with chocolate drizzled on them. I mimicked the ones you see in Godiva. One of my best friends and I stopped in Godiva once and had a fruit skewer - DELICIOUS! But they are just as easy to make at home.

Things you will need:
- Variety of fruit (I went with bananas and strawberries since those go the best with chocolate)
-skewers (you can buy these in packs of 100 at the dollar store)
-semi-sweet chocolate chips
-microwaveable bowl
-ziploc baggie

Step 1:
Wash any fruit that needs to be washed. Then cut or peel the unnecessary parts of the fruit. Once you have done that, slice the fruit into pieces. You want them to be thick enough to stay on the skewer. I would say about 1cm is good. I found that if you cut them thinner, they would slide off and if you cut them thick, they were too heavy and would slide off.

Step 2:
Once you have cut the fruit up, you can put it on the skewer. I patterned mine. I started with a top of a strawberry and then a banana and then another piece of a strawberry until i have covered nearly the entire skewer. I only made two but you can make as many as you would like.

Step 3:
I then set the skewered fruit aside and put about a quarter of a cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips into a microwaveable bowl. I placed it in the microwave for 15 seconds at a time. You don't want the chocolate chips to burn. Once they are fully melted, open your little ziplock bag and put them melted chocolate in it. Try and put it more to one end. Close it up and make sure you get the air out.

Step 4:
Cut the tip off the end where you put all the melted chocolate. Use the bag as a piping bag and drizzle the icing over the skewers. Try and use all the chocolate but don't worry if you can't. Just keep it someplace safe for next time. Place the skewers in the freezer so the chocolate can harden again. Leave it for about half and hour. This should give it enough time to fully harden. Once they are hardened, you can take them out and enjoy. Be careful with the pointy end of the skewer. Happy Eating!!! xo

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