Monday 8 June 2015

Planner Decor on a Budget: DIY Tassel Accessories!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been gone for so long. If you haven't been following my other blog, I have been pretty MIA the past couple of months. I spent a lot of the first month sick and May was pretty hectic because the hubby and I were in the middle of moving. I'm hoping that come July things will have settled back down and I will be back to posting twice a week. I still have to finish re-vamping The Crafty Canadian! Oh my! Anyway, I thought I would just pop on and bring you a quick little tutorial for you fellow planner people out there! I have become obsessed with decorating my planner and since we have bought a house, looking for cheap ways to get the same kinda products you can buy in the store.

This week's tutorial is a DIY Tassel! They are fairly simple, yet a tad time consuming. Let's get started, shall we?

Things You Need:
-thin wire (in your colour choice, I went with gold)
-embroidery thread
-paper clip (optional)

Step 1:
Take your embroidery string and remove the little paper pieces. You want to find an end and cut off two pieces of string about 5 inches long. The length of the one string will depend on how far you want the tassel to fall. Try to do this without unravelling the wound string.

Step 2:
Once you have cut the pieces you need, take the string and without unravelling it, create a circle so that it looks as if you have wound the string around your hands. Once you have made the circle, take the piece of string you want for the handle of the tassel. Put the two loose ends together and knot them. Take the knotted end and put it through the circle. Take the loop end of your knotted string and loop it through the knotted end. Pull tightly and your handle of the tassel should be secure.

Step 3:
Take the other piece of string and tie it around the circle of string (See picture). Cut off the excess pieces. Then cut the bottom of the circle. You may need to trim it so that it is all even.

Step 4:
Once you have completed the trimming, take your thin wire and cut a piece off. Carefully, wrap the wire around the place where you tied that second string. This is to hide that string. It is also optional.

Step 5 (Optional):
If you are attaching this to a paper clip, just take your paper clip and take the string that is the handle of the tassel. Slide the loop of the string around the paper clip until you get it to where you feel it is secure.

That's it!!! You have made your very own tassel accessory. I have actually made a bunch of these. I made them for each of my different sketchbooks and I made one for the planner I am currently using. I hope that you enjoyed this little tutorial. If you decide to make this, be sure to leave me a comment below letting me know so I can go and check it out! Until next time, Happy Crafting! xoxo

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