Monday 30 July 2012

DIY Soap Dispenser

Hello All! Here is my second post for the evening! Tonight's DIY project is a Soap Dispenser. I was finding that where I like to shop for hand soap has been having a serious lacking of pretty and inexpensive soap dispensers, so I decided to make my own. It was fairly easy to make and only took one evening to finish!

Things you need:
- a clean jar with a lid (I used an old relish jar)
-mod podge
-masking tape
-white string
-a shell (or whatever you want to hang from the string)
-a nozzle pump

Step 1:
Clean the jar. Once the jar is clean and dry, take the masking tape and make stripes with it. Make sure you have enough to reach all the way around the jar. I did two stripes. Paint your first color (I did blue because I'm going for a nautical theme). Let that dry

Step 2:
Take the masking tape off carefully and paint your second color on the stripes created by the tape. Let that dry. While it is drying you can work on attaching the nozzle pump to the lid of the relish jar. (Make sure the lid is clean too)

Step 3:
Punch holes in the top of the jar lid. I used scissors for this. Once you have a big enough hole for the pump to fit in, insert the nozzle pump. You can secure it with crazy glue if you have any. If not, you can secure it when you apply the mod podge to the outside of the lid and jar.

Step 4:
Paint the lid. You may have to do more than one coat. (I did two or three) After everything is dry, apply the mod podge to every area that has paint on it. Let it dry

Step 5:
Once the mod podge is dry, it will be sticky. You can sand it down a bit... just very lightly. After that, cut a long piece of string and wrap it several time under the lid.

Step 6:
Cut out your starfish or shell (you con improvise if using something else... be creative) and cut a hole in the top of  it, insert one end of the string through it and then tie the two ends into a bow.

Step 7:
 Fill it with your favorite hand soap and enjoy! Happy Crafting!

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