Wednesday 8 August 2012

DIY Organizer for Flyers and Coupons

Hello my fellow crafters! Sorry for the delay in posts. I was away at a family reunion this past week so I didn't have a chance to post any blogs! This evening's DIY idea is a binder to store those coupons, take-out menus and flyers you find all over your place. As I was tidying up one night, I noticed that my boyfriend and I have a lot of these, which makes it harder to find stuff when it's needed. So one night, when I was searching for more ideas for this blog, I came across a binder to hold things in. I figured it might work for holding this kind of stuff too. It's super easy and doesn't take a long time.

Things you will need:
- a binder (2")
-dividers (i have four in mine so far)
-plastic page covers
-coupons, flyers and takeout menus

Step 1:
Empty any old or unwanted things out of the binder. Put the dividers in and label them. I labelled mine with the following:
-Cheap Things to do in the City
-Hygiene/Cleaning Coupons
-Grocery/Food Coupons
-Takeout Menus

Step 2:
Put the plastic page covers behind each divider and then put your coupons, flyers and takeout menus in their designated areas. You can decorate the front if you want to. I left mine how it was decorate before I made it an organizer. It is entirely up to you.

Step 3:
Stick it in the kitchen where you wont forget about it and that is easy to find/get to and enjoy having a place to put all those flyers and coupons that take up so much space on counters.

Happy Crafting! xo

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