Sunday 3 November 2013

Little Ghosty Friends

Hello, my fellow crafters!

So sorry I haven't posted recently. I have been super busy, preparing for wedding and starting to think about Christmas. I hope you all have been well and have been busy crafting! Today's craft is a super simple one, and you can do it with little kids. They are little tissue ghosts. Let's get started!

Things you will need:
- kleenex
-string or twist ties
-cotton balls
-needle and white thread

Step 1:
Lay the kleenex out flat on a hard, smooth surface. Place 3-4 cotton balls in the centre of the kleenex.

Step 2:
Gather the cotton balls in the kleenex so that you have formed a head. Use the string or twist tie (whatever you have laying around) to secure the cotton balls in the kleenex.

Step 3:
Take the marker and draw whatever kind of face you wish on the head of your ghost friend.

Step 4:
Take the needle and thread and use it to attach the thread to the top of ghost's head. What i did is fed the one end of the string through the hole in the needle. Then I cut it to the desired length. I knotted the two ends and stuck the needle through the top of the head. I looped the needle through the end of the string so that it would catch and stay in place. You don't want to pull to tightly as it is kleenex and it rips easily.

And voila!!! You are finished! I hope you enjoyed this easy little craft. It can be something really fun to do with children around Halloween time. In a classroom setting, you could have them even created a whole story about the little guy they have created. Happy Crafting!

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