Monday 27 August 2012

DIY Cake Stand

Hello my fellow crafters!

Hope you all are enjoying this lovely August night! It rained nearly all day today! Today was also the day I said goodbye to one of my best friends. She is going to Korea to teach for a year. I'm excited about all the adventures she will have there, but sad that she is leaving myself and our group of friends. It's kinda a sad week for me this week, and I also have a cold. Anyway, today we shall be making a Cake Stand out of things I found from the dollar store.

Things you will need:
-glass or plastic plates of your choosing
-a decorative candle holder of your choosing
-crazy glue or waterproof glue for dishes (I was unable to find the second type anywhere so I used crazy glue)

Step 1:
Decide how you want your cake stand. I chose to do two plastic clear plates, with a pink votive candle holder in the middle. But you can get really creative with this, just make sure it wont tip over or is unbalanced.

Step 2:
Carefully using the crazy glue, glue the votive holder to the bottom plate. To do this, run the crazy glue around the outer edge of the top of the candle holder.

Step 3:
Hold down for about a minute. Then rim the bottom edge of the candle holder with crazy glue and place the top plate on top of the candle holder. Put something on top of the plate to apply pressure. Let sit for a minute.

NOTE: Do not wash in water if you have used crazy glue. It will come apart as crazy glue isn't waterproof. I learned this the hard way when my boyfriend washed it by mistake. Put something on it or just wipe it down with a damp cloth. Happy Crafting! :D

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