Tuesday 28 August 2012

DIY Heart Rings

Hello my fellow crafty people!

Hope you are having a great night. This is my last post of the evening considering I am sick, emotionally exhausted and sweating to death for some strange reason. I thought I would post this last post in dedication to my best friends in Ottawa. This is one of three gifts I made for each of them to a)show them how much i love them and b)send them on their way with a little piece of me!! Ya, its been and is going to be a rough week for me!

Things you will need:
-needle nose pliers
-wire cutters
-bendable wire for jewelry (available at craft stores)
-nail polish (color[s] of your choice and a clear one)

Step 1:
Create the ring using the needle nose pliers and wire cutters. I started by making the heart first and then making the part that wraps around your finger. This may take a few tries to get right. It took me a little bit to get the hang of it. If you are really stumped, you can find step-by-step guides by people who make this kind of jewelry all the time online. (Sorry for the blurry pics, I'm not sure what happened!)

Step 2:
Once you have gotten the ring assembled, take your nail polish in the desired color and paint the metal. You can also just leave it metal if you prefer.

Step 3:
Once the coat has dried, apply the clear coat. You can just apply the clear coat if you didn't paint the ring a different color. Let it dry.

Once it is dry, you can wrap it up and give it to a friend or family member. Or you can sport it yourself. Enjoy! Happy Crafting! xoxo

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